• Question: what was the first planet made

    Asked by hannah5959 to James, Marcus, Martin, Rob, Suzanne on 16 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Martin Zaltz Austwick

      Martin Zaltz Austwick answered on 16 Mar 2012:

      In the solar system? I don’t know. In the universe? I don’t think anyone knows that.

    • Photo: Marcus Gallagher-Jones

      Marcus Gallagher-Jones answered on 16 Mar 2012:

      I would guess at mercury as it’s closest to the sun but I’m not really sure. In the universe I doubt anyone knows right now.

    • Photo: Suzanne McEndoo

      Suzanne McEndoo answered on 18 Mar 2012:

      I don’t think we’ll ever know what was the first planet ever made in the universe. It’s probably looooong destroyed and we may never get to see evidence for it.

      In the solar system, I’m not sure. I’d have to think about it. Might be mercury like Marcus suggested. Or it could be pluto because it’s so small and so far from the sun, so it might have cooled into a planet first. (Ok, pluto isn’t a planet any more, but one of the outer small ones.) I can see arguments for either answer.

    • Photo: Robert Thompson

      Robert Thompson answered on 20 Mar 2012:

      I don’t think we can know, I doub’t it’s as simple as saying it’s the closest to the sun and as Solar systems have life cycles and are born and die the first planet made in the universe will most likely have been destroyed many millenia ago now.
