• Question: Are you worried about climate change?

    Asked by bolzanoweierstrass to James, Marcus, Martin, Rob, Suzanne on 19 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Martin Zaltz Austwick

      Martin Zaltz Austwick answered on 19 Mar 2012:

      Yes, to be honest. I don’t really understand the science because I’m not an expert in the field. But I belief the work that a whole bunch of scientists have done – and even if things turn out to be better than we think, I think we have to be cautious. Also, oil will not last forever and being dependent on it will be bad news if we can’t get enough as we need. So we need to make a real effort to think of new ways to save energy, reduce our use of fossil fuels, and live in a more restrained way.

    • Photo: Marcus Gallagher-Jones

      Marcus Gallagher-Jones answered on 19 Mar 2012:

      Yes I am. Whilst the world isn’t quite as sensitive to change as we first thought we still aren’t doing it any favours. There is a huge body of evidence surrounding climate change in a negative direction and I’m sure it’s a contributing factor in the higher rate of crazy wether patterns over the past decade or so.

    • Photo: Suzanne McEndoo

      Suzanne McEndoo answered on 19 Mar 2012:

      Yes, I am. The evidence shows us that it is happening. How bad it will be is still an unanswered question, and can we do anything to stop it. There are some ideas for how to stop the heating up of the planet, but even if we can stop the climate change part, we’re still doing a lot of damage to the world around us.

    • Photo: James Boone

      James Boone answered on 19 Mar 2012:

      This is an area of great controversy, and the analysis of collected data is subject to much scrutiny. I would say that there is evidence that the planet is warming up, but then we only have a relatively small amount of collected data. Things we have been observing are more frequent natural disasters, more rapid melting of the ice at the poles and greater amounts of Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere.
      To answer your question I wouldn’t say that I’m worried about climate change but as a scientist I am keen for the industry to make changes to the ways in which we produce energy. Harvesting energy from sources other than burning fossil fuels can only be a good thing.

    • Photo: Robert Thompson

      Robert Thompson answered on 20 Mar 2012:

      In a word yes. There are many things which worry me about how we treat the earth. I just don’t know how it is going to sustane us and at the rate at which the human race is expanding it can’t be long untill there are just to many of us using up too much of the planets resources.
