• Question: Where do you think the human race will be in the year 3012?

    Asked by 11wiloma to Rob, Martin on 14 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Martin Zaltz Austwick

      Martin Zaltz Austwick answered on 14 Mar 2012:

      Hmmm. Very hard. I hope in 1,000 years time people will have learned to be more careful with the planet, and kinder to each other. Science and technology have given us the ability to grow more food, have better medicine and communicate and travel faster – but there are still a lot of problems in the world that come from greed and violence. Science can only give us the tools – we can use them to make better energy sources, or build a nuclear bomb. It’s up to us.

    • Photo: Robert Thompson

      Robert Thompson answered on 14 Mar 2012:

      Very very hard. Its so hard to imagine where we will be in 1000 years. I think some of the human race will have moved away from the planet we live on now. I also think unfortunately the human race will be shaped by wars and hostility between us. History seems to show us this is what happens and I don’t think we’ve changed too much to say it won’t happen again. But then I’m a scientist and these things are out of the realms of what I can tell you from my lab
